Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Revolutionary Vol. 1

As I stood setting up my work uniform, for another day in the same place. I stood there without movement as if time was standing still, with my uniform shirt in my hand. It was a cold day and the sunlight was leaking through the cracks in my blinds. I was staring at the tag of my work shirt, reading it I notice that it said "Having fun at work, while being the best." It sadden me to realize that the slogan on that shirt had no longer a meaning, it had been morphed in the last six months. The work place had changed completely, it wasn't the happy place that me and many of my workers use to come to work to. Where we would be able to attract our customer, with our happy mood and well enough staffed floors and the general manager that always seemed happy with out showing us the stress in his life.

In the recent months many things have changed, there has been a depressing mood haunting the store, like a rapist stalks its prey in a dark alley where the fiends hang out. There is a new motivated tactic that has never been revealed till now in the Portable Electronics department. It seems that the highest seller/kissass/"productive" is the one who gains the most hours in the part timers, as if they were on commission. Many of them that it is based on to stay busy, doing things that might not even be necessary, such as down stocking product that is over fill because the majority of times that is all they have, which ends up killing the variety in products for the customers.

The new general manager is very aggressive, but yet the PNL is suffering the most, this store hasnt been able to hit their revenue target for various months, causing them not to get any of their bonuses, also known as Blue Crew Bucks. Which that adds on to the demoralization of the employees in the store especially the part timers who do not get that many hours. The General Manager doesn't help out in storing the morale of its employees. He became the eagle in the first encounter with everyone and then became the vulture attacking everyone behind their back, starting to cut their hours for how he perceives them. It was a surprised that one of his targets manage to prove him wrong in the Mystery Shops, by scoring 100% in them, which of course made a whole new impression on them, the district, and corporate. I wonder how he would feel that if he was told how they aimed for him to weed him out and how they cut his hours because they didnt think much of him as a worker. I spoke with him various times, it's sad that during this time, he wasnt able to afford to make ends meet on the necessities in his life, such as covering his medication for his hypertension or his diabetes.

Then there is also the current man in Digital Imaging that works two jobs to make ends meet. His schedule doesn't allow him to recover his exhaustion by sleeping, they've screwed him over by scheduling this other employee who has been claimed as the worst supervisor in that department. They schedule him in his preference over the one who needs the right shifts to allow him to rest. There has also been a young man in mobile, who has become a target of the General Manager, this young man has been the top leader in his group when their supervisor had to leave due to her pregnancy for a week. During that week he carried the weight on his shoulder, keeping the department at a top level position in the district. This young man has spoken back in response to the comments made of him by the GM and currently still comes to work everyday dealing with all the static he recieves, and still manages to fight off the pack of vultures.

The general manager has become a tyrant in the words of many. He commands his employees like if they were dogs and if they don't respond to his command then he perceives, to scream and yell at them adding to the demoralization, stress, pressure, and the feeling of hating to come to work. These are not things that are going to be prevented for they have already started to happen. In this wake of events I look at this tag and wondered that if we as the employees don't speak up against this abuse will we ever give a meaning to the slogan "Having fun at work, while being the best."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 Signs You Should Leave

Well it's been awhile since I last posted up on my blog, there has been a lot of things that have happened, but where to begin. The Black Dahlia Murder release their new album this month. Its fucking doubt....Converge is about to release their new album "Axe To Fall" coming out October 20, 2009 so yeah that's going to be dope, especially when I go see them on November 20, 2009 in LA along with the lame ass band of Dethklok ahhh fuck those gorillaz wanna be faggots. LOL

Any ways I am still in the whack ass place working....with very little hours and its cool I guess cause I started school already and that gives me more time to focus in my studies, so yeah.... I am currently working and attending classes to get my Bounty Hunting license. I mean "Recovery Agent" lol....go all Boba Fett on your asses you fucking bail hoppers.

School is pretty cool I am currently just crusin through it, still taking more knowledge into my brain and still keeping the revolutionary process going. Still open minded to everything else. Yes still waiting to see whats up with the whole 2012 bullshit.... I doubt that shit will end the world. Just another Y2K shit, all though this time I wont be able to free load on electronics for a cheap price lol.... hahaha yeah well yeah I hope you guys or Don who read my blog have been well I hope you guys have been having a great time and continue to do so, so yeah

peace out bitches.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I am weighing me down

These are some pics I took, at the beach, backyard, and downtown LA, let me know whats up?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Not Just A Party, It's A Funeral

So this is my next installment into my blog post.

Today I've summing up the week of July 9th - July 16, 2009

This past 7 days have been somewhat up and downers, life is full of surprises and many of them so far have been alright, there will be 3 things that you will know about me within this week. Well thursday went good for me, until last friday's afternoon. Before I bounced to head out with my homies and take pictures with my brand new Nikon D5000 camera, I was faced off with a small ecounter. My little brother got into a fight with a kid for trying to jack him for his board, so my bro cracked that foo with his truck into the jaw bone.

I know right what an awesome thing to do. So about 15 mins later the kids older brother comes out and starts yelling at my little bro, well that shit I aint havin it. No 22 year old is going to come out and try to bust on my 10 year old bro, without me coming up and busting some heads.

So this fucking spick comes up to my little brother and grabs him by his arm, then out of the blue when my little bro thought that all the shit was gonna hit the fan. I ran up on that foo and push him off him. Next thing going on we about to scrap, but then that foo books it so yeah nothing really happen.

That same night I went out took pictures and chilled witht he homies for the rest of the night.

Saturday I worked so ehh to that day
Sunday was ehhh didnt reallly do much
Monday same as sunday
Tuesday worked ehh
Wednesday worked ehh
Today ehh not sure what will happen yet.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Count Me OUT!!!!!

of those things you do
I’m tired of doing the same old things
and talking about everything but me each night
I know I’m not fair game until I’m gone
But how the fuck is that alright?
You love to dish it out but cringe to take it in

There’s gotta be something more
Something bigger than your ego out there
You’re talking shit because I want something better for myself
There’s gotta be something more
Something bigger then your ego out there
Think we forgot? Think again
I won’t let this go

I don’t care how old this gets
I’ll keep screaming these same words you’ve heard a million times before
I know the words that I sing won’t change a fucking thing
But at least I can say I tried

Think about the things you say
Because now you’re way out the line

We’ve got one life so let’s make it count
Leave the past behind

Think twice about decisions you make
Cause you can only fuck up so many times

We’ve got one life so let’s make it count
Leave the past behind

We’ll run like hell and we won’t look behind
Because it can only hold us down

We’ve got one life so let’s make it count
Leave the past behind

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Introduction of Chich Vol.2

Well today was a pretty good...I guess umm class was like really boring so I didnt learn much for my speech class. Its all about debating and giving out alot of speeches on stupid fictious shit, but I guess that it has to be done so if one day I dont have stage fright in front of a large crowd. It's all good though. After I pretty much did the usual things of going home and then heading out to pick my girl, kicked with her for awhile, chased an injured dog and then it just got away from me. After kicked it with my homies and then came home and found out that my stepdad's SUV had gotten stolen and all I said was oh well shit happens, just as long as they aint trying to come into my house and shit if they do we got an arsenal that would rip them to shreds.

Thats one thing that pisses me off about society, fucking theives. If the law was still like in the wild west, shit I'd be blasting all them idiots left and right. This is the scenario that anybody would need a AK-47 or a AR-15, but no thanks to our gay legislation of the state of California we are only allowed to shoot bolt action rifles, shotguns, and 5 shot internal clip AR-15's. But oh well life is the way it is.

The Introduction of Chich

Umm I really dont know why I even signed up for this darn blog thing, but I guess its part of the new things to do other than the usual myspace, facebook, twitter, paintballing, working at best buy, hanging out with your friends, fucking your girl...ehh I guess this is better than doing all of the above :/ hahaha wow. Well I dont think that I'll be writing other stuff anytime soon but if I am that will be cool. lol I guess. Well thats cool, I guess its a cool place for me to write my thoughts and have someone on here jack my ideals and beliefs because no one in America is Original anymore. Its all about the scene and the latest shit. Well thats cool in a sense but yeah we're all gifted with the silver tounge I dont even know why.

Well today I went to McDonalds and some Hindu guys run it, which is all cool I'm not a racist so all you anti-racist crazy nuts relax. Well anyways they messed up my order becuase they didnt really understand me or it was something that had to do with the communication process, but whatever it was it fucked up my order so I didnt even eat that shit cause im not a big fan of chicken nuggets, cause they look all fucking greasey to the max, so i just ate my fries and my drink.

Then Today I went to Uptown Whittier where there was a bunch of Jesus Fruits on the streets trying to give me candy and water after I told the last two that I passed all out loud that I was diabetic but I guess that wasnt really important cause they kept asking until one of them finally got to the point I wanted to hear. He began to ask me if I believed in Jesus Christ and I simply answered my demise by saying "NO". That was the shot heard around the world, they began questioning me why I didnt believe and that I was going to the fictious land of hell where I would meet a fictious character known as the Devil. So since I was surrounded I had no choice but to kick the youngest one in the balls and book it. So yeah well thats what happens when you try to push your beliefs onto a person that has their own. (EX. Vietnam War)

And if you feel the urge to freak, do the jitterbug