Monday, August 9, 2010

The Kennedy Curse Nostalgia.....

Whats up guys, so today I logged onto my bands email account just to delete all the spam mail. I notice that I had a new email in the Inbox and it was by this young gentleman that is a journalist for the La Habra High newspaper. He covers the entertainment section. His name is Joshua Lynn. We used to know his older brother Scott Lynn. So he attached a word document that he wanted us to fill out with some premade questions for our band. Too bad I had to answer all of them by myself. So now I am stuck in this nostalgic phase wishing I would have my big fro and thinking about the weekend when we would do our gigs. So here it is the interview I answer all the questions for him and now I am posting it up for exclusive early edition for my homies and home girls.

The Kennedy Curse Interview Dated for 09/06/10 paper edition.
Interview by: Joshua Lynn
For: Jesus Diaz, Gerardo Lopez, Daniel Rubio, Martin Machuca, Rick Largaspada AKA (The Kennedy Curse)
Hello Guys, I am sending you this premade template of an interview I would like for any of guys to answer.
Questions: Please just type up the answer to each one of them, if you feel that you that a question has become sort of personal, please feel free to leave them blank and please accept my apologies.
Thank you for your time,
-Joshua Lynn

Questions: These questions will be looked over by our journalist teacher and editor, please refrain from using explicit language or content. Thank you.

1. What has The Kennedy Curse band members been up too, since the last big show in 2006? Has the band disbanded? Are you still working on your music? (please be specific)

Hello Josh, well to start your interview questions off, yes TKC officially hung up the mic and instruments , after the show in Brea on September 2, 2006. The reason we disbanded, was because of school and one of our guys starting college. So with the conflicting availabilities we decided that it would be best to put the band to side until we were able to get together on a steady schedule. The last CD we release was our actual full length one “The New Crusade”. Us members have been sort of distant from one another, but not because of problems, but because each one of us have different things going on in our lives. We do get together every now and then and reminisce about the old days. Although one thing we will never forget about those days….is our fans most of all, the XI6 family and the rest of the bands that played with us when we toured. Thank you for all the memories.

2. I have listened to all your albums from Arabian Nights to the last one that came out almost four years ago The New Crusade. There was a very noticeable shift in styles of music, was there a specific reason why this new style arose?

The main reason why I decided to change the way I wrote lyrics, was mostly due to the fact that I had grown up to see life for what it was and not only that, Daniel lost his brother in Iraq the spring of 2006, that was the main event that caused me to write lyrics about life itself and somewhat political views that I had developed at the time. I know the new crusade set up our chances for good record labels to begin looking at us in a sense that we were considered to be the new sub-genre of Hardcore.

3. There are rumors that The Kennedy Curse was to be signed onto TrustKill Records, but that the band disappeared because Rick and Jesus didn’t feel like having such a big deal into this company. How much of this rumor is true and if Rick or Jesus could answer this? That would be great.

Actually, this is Jesus answering all your questions. I am the only one that has access to the bands yahoo email account. To answer this question I am going to do it in two parts. First off, no it’s not true on the rumor of us getting signed into the trustkill family. Although we were supposed to meet up the following weekend after our last show to do a private show for Gregory Myers older brother, Tim Myers who is also one of the reps for Epitaph records for Southern California. We were to meet up, do the show and then if we did great, we would discuss about having a record deal with them.

Secondly, Rick and I felt that we were doing great as a band, but the issue that kept us from going to that special presentation was once again the problems with our conflicting schedules. So there you go on those two rumors.

4. With you guys being out of the La Habra/La Mirada/Brea Hardcore scene for quite some years now, is there really any chance at all that The Kennedy Curse will be seeing the light of day in any upcoming shows or even having a reunion show if the band is over?

There is still a chance of us coming back to do a reunion show, but it would be only for our old fans. Things have changed since we last saw the stage lights and sadly everything that used to be gold, is now just a replica of something that used to be. We would have to wait and see what the future has to hold for TKC.

5. In the song there “Wolf in Sheeps Clothing”, it states the following, “We’ve thrown away the key to humanities last hope…against imaginary foes and self inflicted wounds nobody wants to be a victim.” What does it mean by that?

Now that I have the chance to explain this song completely I will. I wrote this song passing the 4th anniversary of 9/11. The song has a storyline to it, but I’ll give it to you short. The song talks about us as a society, and the paranoia that affected us in the way we communicate now and days with one another. After 9/11, the American public was scared into fearing certain types of people and in some cases it even ignited a Stalin big brother system. So throughout this whole mess, we were taught to suspect of everyone we know as in terms of neighbors, friends, and in cases people we don’t know. That is a perfect example of throwing away the key to humanity’s last hope, which is associating ourselves peacefully and being able to work with one another in building a better tomorrow, but of course that can’t be if we are blaming each other for things that were committed by terrorist groups.

6. This is my last question for The Kennedy Curse and it is directed to Jesus. The very last show you guys played the song “Cheating Ourselves”, which of course was a brand new track that was later released on your bands myspace for free download. Now this song does not resemble anything of the previous styles of your guys band and it ends up being about being shut in about feelings for someone. Now when I looked at the properties it says composer is Jesus Diaz. So the questions are, did you Jesus write this song yourself and if so to whom is this song dedicated too?

Yes I wrote the song on my own and it was influenced by someone I used to like back in school, but unfortunately we never spoke up or even made more of an effort to take things further. So there’s where it stayed and it ended as well. So that’s where cheating ourselves took form.