Monday, June 28, 2010

The Fallacy of Retrospective Music Trends

So I was just driving down to the airport today, bumping some radio on 98.7 FM cause I left my ipod charging at the pad. So Lady Gaga came on with her lame song Alejandro. Now I am not a fan of Lady Gaga, I hate her and her music for various reasons, some I will state here on this blog post. So once again let's get started on this post.

Okay as many of us are aware, there are a variance of trends that happened in almost every genre of music some genres end up having sub-genres (ex. Metal = main genre. heavy metal, hair metal, black metal, hardcore metal, screamo, etc.= Sub-genres), which in most cases in contains most characteristics of the main genre. Although in some way it is morphed with another rhythm or type of music. Still pretty much sticks to it's main root only the lyrics that can express emotions from those who bring life to them is also another factor that changes. In my opinion Metal, Rock, in their essence are still somewhat pure, even though with all the major sub-genres out there. The only morphed versions of Rock are the combined Pop-Rock and something that should be in opera dialogue, but unfortunately has become a big sub-genre has been that whole emo-rock emo-punk and anything that is a whole major genre mixed in with this one.
Here is an example of two way different genres that are morphed into something really gay.

Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty (Rock)

And this is what I mean by straight up....GAY

Now onto Rap, rap in it's true essence is about releasing our experiences about living in a poverty class. The struggles that came with including gang life, narcotics, imprisonment, lost friends and family, etc. Unfortunately, throughout the time the style of rap in modern time, has become something where the artist has to rap about their earnings, copulating women for their amusement, degrading women, and advertising for themselves and their producers. Also the new invention of Auto Tune has now made it possible for everyone to be able sing even if they have some ugly voice, but I guess women are into robot voice womanizers.

Here's an example of something true to the essence of rap although is modern.

Here is something quite disgracing.

For the last part it's where it guess the best. Here we go GAGA Bashing time....
Okay straight up this one hundred percent absolute blasting on Lady Gaga.
I seriously don't any artistic talent in Lady Gaga...her music is quite annoying, the rhythm is the very comparable to the rest of her songs, as well as her lyrics. If she is gay, that's cool...but making a video where you dress in halloween costumes, poison men and the rest of restaurant...something is wrong with you...I get it she wants to be scandalous and controversial, like Madonna okay cool, but first recognized...Madonna has voice, a normal fashion style, and she doesn't go around with some stupid cunt that can be real to herself. Also Madonna is not under conspiracy and associated with the Illuminati group. I really can see what all these stupid fans's cool if your easily manipulated into the new trend, but honestly Lady Gaga your in no right to be an artist in any fucking way.

here is real music:

here is wanna be music:

and here is what I got to say to Lady Gaga and her fans.

Peace out yo!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Relationship Spectrum

Alright ladies and gents I am doing this cause it just hit me in my pondering. Well I've actually been working at this early in the morning.

Alright then lets do this thing. Alright guys and I was talking to my homie last night about some girl he has been talking to and dating for some time. So the scenario went down that after 3 months of dating my boy busted the question of making it official. So story short he ended up with her telling him that she wanted to stay as friends.

This was my inspiration for this blog post for my dudes and girls out there patrolling in that sea of fishes.

Alright check it. Girls quick question, why do you always got to bust out that "oh we should be friends" or "I don't want to ruin our friendship". I mean isn't your boyfriend suppose to be your best friend? The one that connects to you on alot of different levels? Or is it that girls don't want their knight in shining armor cause they can't pick a challenge with them? Seriously gals whats up with that excuse?

Now dudes who are and have been in relationships. What's up with girls always having that one friend that has a fucked up influence on a couples relationship with all their problems that ends up having their problems affecting your relationship with your girl. Hey serious shit, I for once I am tired of having to deal with the aftermath with some dumb girl who can't get her shit straight. Real shit why does a relationship have to fail over some bullshit that some fucking outside forces can fuck up something so beautiful. Hey real shit ladies, if you got a man who treats you right, pays for your shit, can handle himself and yourself. Then why the fuck are you listening to your girlfriends. If they can't get a man it's cause they don't know how to function and the most infamous gender known for stabbing backs are even though they are your girlfriends and shit they can still be jealous and shit. Stop telling your friends about the shit that goes on with you guys, cause the real shit is a relationship is only between people.

Another thing girls seriously, stop comparing dudes to every other guy out there, not all of my brothers out there are just interested in a nice night in the sheets. Some of these guys are actually wanting more than that and it's always the guys I see getting shot down. I mean if you have had a bad experience with dudes in the past maybe your type is the fucked up type....but then again most girls are looking for the pitbull, drake, and other faggot ass foos. That's how women get the cheating foos, the women beating foos, the womanizers. Which in result end up becoming the short-term man instead of that Long-term man.

Hey hey don't start calling me a sexist and shit cause I'm not. I am just pointed out somethings that I need some clarification on.

(Begins putting on the bullet proof vest)

Peace yo!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Babygirl's Grad

Yeah that's right I am posting up another hobby blog, but this one is special. It's special because it was my girl's graduation from high school, so I decided to call this Babygirl's Grad. So these pictures are of the her fambam, her, and myself. These people are the greatest folks I've ever met. Straight up G's haha. So let's get this thing going.

So right here it was pretty cool for us and embarrassing for her, cause she had a paparazzi crew there for her. It was me and her brother taking pictures of her and not to mention her crazy ass cousin Mikos. We place her on blast but she was quite embarrassed hahah.

See that foo is looking at her, like OMG!, but nigga stop drinking that HATERADE just cause you ain't got no photo crew backing you up.

So during this time, while we listened to the stupid people running them mouths about they gay ass boring speech and lame 1-0 you know...ahhh whackness. So anyways I took picture of the fam bam laying down the row, unfortunately that guy that's poking out his head, that's my girl's brother his name is Edgar and he's a really great guy...very friendly and fun to talk too. So yeah we got into a shoot out, but he was foolish to match against my D5k silly D300 I got fast frames home boy yeah. So the main two people on the left side the dude with the shades, that's her crazy ass cousin name Mikos, dude is one of the downest foos I've known. This guy he'll fuck you up if you get in his face, true story he almost beat down of the security guys that was acting all lame with me while taking photos haha. The lady next to him is the sweetest lady ever her name is Ramona, but I call her mona...straight up she is really down, more down that Mikos...haha cause shes from the Rancho...if you're mexican you know people from the rancho are down. But for reals she is really sweet and caring.

This was the shoot out, no dead eye right here, but it is not needed cause of my frames blasting away ahahaha.

So this shot looks all pro haha, it's after everyone got their diplomas frames, but before they got their diplomas cause they had to walk back and grab them hahaha.

So as we are waiting for my girl to come out from the field with her diploma, we got the I took this picture of my girls bro doing the funny face. hahah it's a classic, he'll probably kill me for posting it up.

Then once she came out we started taking pictures with her, this picture is her parents, both of them are really great individuals, her father is one of the most hardworking persons I've ever met. Great man and of course behind every man stand a great woman. Her mom is also very caring, for her prom subway screw me over from the night before, so when I came over she gave me some medicine and some food that would make me feel better and it would allow me to go with my baby and hit up that dance floor yo! Oh and before I wrap this caption up, she does some sick haircuts all modern and trendy too, not all old school like some hairstylist. So if you owe a salon and need someone who bust some sick cuts and is hardworking...she is your employee. And behind them is EDGAR!!!! haha they are a great family fo reals yo!

This is Edgar once again and his girl Dre. I wish I could write a lot more about them, but unfortunately I don't know them as well as I know Mikos, Mona, and my girl's parents. I guess cause of the distance of where they reside, but for reals they are both great people, really down to earth and fun to be with when I've hanged out with them.

This one is with Mona and Mikos, yes he looks friendly, but the dude like I said will mess you up. I like this photo of my baby girl haha.

So this is of me and my baby girl, I just don't like that I looked so stiff and shit, but I love the smile and how happy she looks in the picture :D.

Horrorwood (Downey Asylum)

So this is my new blog post in regards to showing my photographer side of me. Yes Photography is one of my hobbies, but not as big as I am on paintballing and tuning up my DA (Acura 90-93 Integra).

So about a few months back I went to the infamous Downey Asylum, but I didn't go into the area looking for ghost or haunted shit, cause in's not haunted. These building were the location of the old El Rancho Medical Rehab Center. In its operation era, this place served for many people who suffered from illnesses such as polio, and other type of disabilities. It also served for people who didn't have any type of medical coverage or for people who couldn't afford to see a doctor. There the patients would be treated for medical conditions such as the measles, mumps, chickenpox, and so on. It was also used as a place to keep crazy patients confined within some walls. There were also many patients who were treated for severe burns.

In modern times, these buildings now lay in ruins, where many explore to find the paranormal, but in most cases you end up picking a fight with a bum...or LA County Police will cuff your ass down and give you a big ass trespassing citation. Yes the buildings are patrol by them 24/7 especially on weekends. I do not recommend you to go in there just cause the only thing you will run into will be old documents with pictures of patients, raccoons, skunks, bums, empty blood sample tubes, and alot of asbestos. The only thing that is functional within these premises is the kitchen/cafeteria. Right there they produced the meals that patients eat in the new El Rancho Los Amigos Hospital across Imperial.

I only took theses pictures outside of the premises because I was being constantly monitor by LACPD since their station is literally like 700ft from main entrance of the asylum. I walked around outside the allowed area and they didn't seemed to mind as long as I didn't cross the gates.

So these are the front gates I was talking about lol:D

It's just a bigger photo of the two buildings that are between the main road that leads through most of the asylum. And as you can see they are sort of tagged up by local taggers of the area. This is also one of the main reasons why the area is heavily patrol.

This is an auditorium, next to the water tower, it is in ruins from the inside with only chairs and a large amount of fold in tables. The doors remain open, but I wouldn't be surprised if bodies of cats were found there on a daily basis.

It's another picture of the same building, but just to show how messed up the building is.

That's the door that reveals some of the content that's inside of the building.

This house is actually in the same structure as the asylum and the police station. I was pulled aside by LACPD at this point, so when they did the 40 questions and after I convinced him that I was a photographer out on a school project, I asked him for some background on this house. According to his knowledge, he said that this house was actually owned by a couple who were actually murdered back in 1984, the killer was found within the asylum's complex. Since they had no children the house was actually left to rot. Although if you walk up to the area this seems to be untrue, the grass and most of the outside lawn is kept clean. Although he stated that the county takes care of it and that LASD, LAPD, and LACPD SWAT Teams use this house as training grounds, as well as the asylum. He went on to say that if I was to venture in the asylum and take pictures I would be subject to arrest for trespassing onto state property and also I could suffer from health complications due to asbestos in some of the buildings. Then he said if I was to get permission from the court I could go in with an officer to take pictures, but it would be a very slim chance.

So in conclusion to this blog and post, I recommend that you do not go venture into these areas looking for the paranormal. As you will most likely go and encountered a pissed off officer or a bum high on some shit, and if you do go...take a small bat or a legal size knife for protection purposes.