Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Philosophy

To start off I will place my position. I think that the kids in UC's and CAL STATES are a bunch of stupid fucking individuals when it comes to immigration. Binding together with other ethnic groups to over come this problem is sadly...quite fucking moronic, excuse the language and I don't mean to offend those, but we don't need whites, asians, blacks, or any other ethnic group except hispanic. These kids are only learning the shit about Aztlan and the philosophy that the Brown Berets have left behind in the dust of what was once known as the Chicano Movement.

Also I do not give a fuck about Salvadorians, bolivians, argentinians, venezuelans, and cubans immigrants. Fuck you guys, stay in your god damn republics grow some balls and start a revolution. Now the reason I will always stand behind my "people" and hence there is parentheses because not everyone is my people.

MY People DEF: The common Mexican(s) who travels out to the United States to work in any type of labor excluding drug or crime related jobs in hopes of finding/providing a better future for their families, either in Mexico or in the United States. Also this excludes free loaders who come and have about thirty kids just to have welfare....I hope they strip you from that you fucking sluts.

The first reason is because about 80 years ago, many american corportations began to set up border town factories. These factories were worked by many mexicans that used to cross the border on a daily basis, just to make their ends meat. The working conditions were horrible and the salary they earned was close to nothing. But since their land had been raped of their natural resources and agriculture, they had no choice. The american railroads that were used to transport these stolen resources, laid within towns and country sides that had cause their inhabitants to move away by force. Thus, creating the great migration where these american border town factories gained their cheap labor work force. Then during the great depression when the white society needed jobs, the hard working mexican legalized residents were all deported.

After a few decades World War II sprung and the US sent out the majority of the male population into war. Hence leaving the need for workers and once again, the mexicans were there to work for the same conditions and shitty pay. Many might know it as the BRACERO PROGRAM. Now the thing is not all the workers received their pay like they were promised. Then during that same time we had the great zuit suit riots happen where the great white klan of U.S. enlisted men were hunting pachucos and mexican-americans, beating to inches of their life...shit even the police department was involved. And ever since then we as mexicans have had to fight for ourselves.

Yes their was once great heroes for civil rights. The Brown Berets were legendary and I admire SOME OF THEIR BELIEFS, but sadly the new age Brown Berets are all dead to me. I am not a believer of AZTLAN and the word CHICANO doesn't have a meaning to me no more. Why? Because the truth is...people only want to make money of their shit. If these were the old legendary brown berets they would resort to militant actions, just at as those who came before us. We Mexicans are from indigenous descent...warriors of truth, and we stood for what we believed in. Sadly my fellow mexican sisters and brothers are all about peace and being fucking pussies. This mentality set by the current hypes and trends, is whats fucking killing us as a whole. The mentality that of some of these mexican or "Chicanos" is quite pathetic and not even comparable to the mentality those were involved in the Chicano movement. Even the word Chicano lost its true foundational meaning. Some of these gangsters call themselves Chicanos, real shit, the Chicano was meant to become the most influential way of identifying ourselves, the offspring of illegal immigrants who ventured into this country. Now this word has poor taste and is quite pathetic. A Chicano is not a the meaning for a fucking paisa ball headed motherfucker to sell drugs, shoot their own people and continue to corrupt their own community. You are the fucking lethargic devil that dwells in our community, and these type of people will be one of my few enemies.

Aztlan is nothing to me as well...Aztlan has been thrown around as the perfect world for all chicanos. Real shit Aztlan can never be unless we as mexicans can rise up to our expectations and make Aztlan become a place of reality and not of science fiction. Hence we shouldn't shoot for the sky if we can even make it to door knob. The same reason why we can't make it to the door knob, is because we shoot to low and we're easily scared by the possibility of racist acts against us by those who are sworn to protect us. The fact is that if we continue to become conformist with the way things are, we will never change society. Yes, I don't believe that peaceful protest and writing letters to the lethargic politicians are the perfect techniques to change what happenings to our people.

We need to show the strength of our community and the fact that we are determined to bring something that will benefit us as a whole in order for the chance to live in this great country. Mexicans or Mexican needs to stop being the word that flies out of an ignorant white or any other fucking ethnic group's mouth. Even if its a fucking zerote that commits a crime, the god damn white bitch that's interview on the news will say "It was a mexican" NO!!!! WRONG YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!! FUCK YOU AMERICA!!!! MY PEOPLE ARE NOT THE MAJORITY CAUSE FOR YOU TO FINISH YOUR SENTENCE!!!!! Even where my people don't exist in a majority, where the cubans and puerto pigs roam, they are referred to as mexicans. FUCK THOSE CUBAN COMMUNIST PUSSY ASS PUTOS.

Also the need of feeling that we need other ethnic groups in the mix to help us prevent laws of anti immigration, is quite fucking stupid.....OPEN YOUR FUCKING MIND THEY ARE ONLY TARGETING HISPANICS....I DONT SEE EUROPEANS, ASIANS, CANADIANS, MIDDLE EASTERNS, INDIANS, ETC.....

It's only fair that the United States pays for what it has done to latin america and especially what it has done to Mexico.

Oh and before you begin arguing about drugs and shit flowing from LATIN AMERICA AND MEXICO....the only reason is because you motherfuckers are the largest consuming country in shut the fuck up. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING TERRORISM AND COMMUNIST REGIMES THROUGHOUT LATIN AMERICA AND MEXICO I HOPE YOU GET YOUR REBATE AND THEY FUCKING KILL YOU ON YOUR TRIP DOWN THERE.

one last thing.



  1. so what about what about whites ,asians , blacks and other ethnic groups who join you not because its cool and will get you on tv but who feel the same way will you villafy them?

  2. never this is not the war of other ethnic groups, this straight hispanic vs. the gov't...therefor we should fight on our own.
