Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Cause of Death.

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another post from me HK Chich. On previous post I have spoken my mind on issues, written down a poetry/song, and placed my stand point on the topic of immigration.

In this edition I am going to write about the hardcore individual. The individual who prays on the weak. The one who believes he is above all and will do anything to keep anyone who attempts to be at his level from actually being there. In society there has always been those who pray on others for various reasons. So today as an individual who has seen, heard, and in some points experience this...has reached the point of no return on the topic. In reality the world doesn't need dictators in our society. There are many of us who witness the bullying of the weak, but yet we don't actually do anything about it.

There was nothing that made me more mad than to see those who are just trying to get by with their lives get punked by my fellow football players. The main thing that kept me fueled to play football my junior year, was the fact that I was getting my play time and we were heading to our CIF Championship. Sure I was one of the most hardworking players, but just because I got my playing time with the seniors, didn't mean that I had the right to pick on those that didn't play sports or those that were always quiet. Their status among the crowds in school were of top class...after all these guys were strong, agile, and for some quite the looker.

All though they seemed to be the perfect role models for the school teams, unfortunately the things that went in on at the parties, classes, and inside the locker rooms...was nothing to be proud of. These young man drank, some did drugs, and some of my peers began taking supplements in order to get super buff. Their egos would grow into the rage of always proving to themselves that they were tough and that they made sure that they had the respect of their classmates. At the parties these guys would get fucked up and try to swoop on some of the cuties at school. They spit their game, acting like they were the fucking studs of the universe.

Then in the locker room they would always act like they were above all of the juniors. They say that tyrants rule their land until the people allow them too. So during the last game of the preseason, I had this tall build cat name al come up to me and tell me shit for laying down on a bench that had no claimed owner. Although I had explained that to him Al knew that an underclassmen could not be allow to tell a senior what's up with this he just yelled at me and told me to get off the bench....I am a person of strong roots and of course I came from a family of blood is 80% pure Aztec blood lines. So I told him straight up no...he shoved me off the bench and as I hit the pipe from the drinking fountain, my rage came into play. So I cracked him with the football helmet. Really fucking I said tyrants are only allowed to rule as long as we the people allow them too.

Sure I didn't play for two games straight, and then I had to work harder to be back to my spot, but everyone of the seniors got the point and knew what was up with me. Moving forward into the future I see what is up now and days. There are more and more kids who think that they are hot shit. In reality, they are not. Every punk who has stepped up to my face, I either end up using a weapon or I'll attack you body in nerves, tendons, bones, pressure points. Let me put it this way...if you manage to piss me off like actually piss me off, then pretty much you deserve to get what you ordered. It is really hard for me to get fully enrage. So for the same fact I really hate people who pick on the weak, or people who think that they are far more superior just based on the fact that they judge people by who they look or cause they work out and think that just cause you hit two plates on each side then your top dawg. That's cool keep doing what you do...eventually your going to find your own downfall. It doesn't matter who you know or what you know cause at the end of the day all it really takes is one individual to bring you down. If you hit women or rape kids or even of abuse of the either two, then you can count on me to bring you down.

Tyrants and Dictators......something that should never be allowed to grow in power, their growth wounds man kind permanently.

This is Chich I am outs.......HK LORDS

Monday, July 5, 2010

HK Chich (DJ Fat Grabber) Breaks the silence - the vendetta

On Mon, July 5, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Tyler Soltest wrote:

RE: "HK Chich (DJ Fat Grabber) Breaks the silence" post

Dear Mr. HK Chich I do not considered your post to be of good taste, if anything you are "blasting away" with pure hatred. Your opinions are quite blunt, but if anything you are the person that supports this type of activity to help the consumers of ecstasy feel the effects of it. DJs need to learn that in order to stop this so called trend is to stop feeding the music at the parties. I am sick and tired of having these scene kids hosting parties near my house. I have never witness such an atrocity than in last two years. I have seen cops come in and arrest kids and from their findings are drugs of all sorts, I have seen fights break out while everyone screams and they end up trespassing through our properties. I was almost stabbed by one of them while I tried to kick him out of own my back yard. That is something that you forgot to write about. How about how these hispanic punks distribute the drugs at the parties, how about how these hispanic gangsters come into the parties and try to rape young girls. How about that Mr. HK Chich? No right? That will not be posted by you, because your one of them hispanics who are nothing but dirty mexicans who come into our community and corrupt our youth. You are the disgrace to our children becoming so corrupted, your race and the rest of those african americans with those god damn stupid ridiculous cars and music.

You don't know anything about being an American. Sick bastards, I hope they deport you all for corrupting our innocent children.

Alright let me get started on you mr soltest. First off I am not going to be an asshole and post your real last name or email address, but I am going to start being an asshole as I attack your email. Where should I start?

Okay, first off my post are not fueled by hatred. I am inspire to write about the topics I choose, because I am fueled for a better tomorrow for our society. I am not a person who believes in voting for laws, bills, reps, congressman, or even in presidents to change our society. My views are based on what experience and what I see. The beliefs I have in my character are not build out of others or what people tell me to do or be for that matter, but for what I see and once again, I experience.

I do acknowledge that my post are quite blunt from my opinion, but they are mostly true about certain things. So in order for you to say that I support the consumption of E or Ecstasy/MDMA is quite a harsh thing to say. Just cause I DJ at house parties, I am not the individual that hands out these pills or drugs. I am not the person who consumes drugs, if anything I am guilty of smoking cigarettes and if that makes me a consumer of tobacco and nicotine then I guess I am guilty along with the other of billions who smoke. However for an individual as yourself to come and judge me like if we have met in person...sadly that is quite pathetic on your part.

I am sorry that you've had the bad experience of running into these young adults and teens who host parties in your community. Sadly I find you as a person and human being to be at most a racist prick. I also find it hard to believe that you never drank, or even attended house parties in your days, if you did and now you run your mouth about're a fucking hypocrite and if you didn't then you were probably a big fucking sourpuss. I have very low tolerance for racist pricks as yourself, if your going to come into my domain and start talking shit about Hispanics and African Americas...please don't ever write back to me on an email. If you seen me in person don't ever walk up to me and try to shake my hand. I am only drawing to the conclusion that your probably mad, cause either your son or daughter has fallen to the use of drugs or they had relationships with another ethnic group that was not Caucasian and now you want to come in here and put not only my race on the spotlight, but others as are quite pathetic sir. I hope that some day you will see things in a from a different stand point. As for the whole deportation thing you got going there...if hispanics or illegal immigrants ever leave the country for good, then the American Society will see darker days. Inflation will soar above anyone's expectations and the jobs that are minimum will be those of your so call illegal immigrants do for a living. So in conclusion I am done wasting my time with you, and I just wanted to show the people who read my post what kind of person you are...maybe I should edit this post later and give away all your details. I don't know yet I will have to sleep on it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HK Chich (DJ Fat Grabber) Breaks the silence

Hey what is up yo! Alright I know I've been blasting things left and right at ya'll this is going to be the main target of this post.

"Wednesday June 30th, 2010 at 5:00pm PST

The passing of a young woman who attended Electric Daisy Carnival is a tragic circumstance. Our hearts and prayers go out to her family and friends at this difficult time. We are currently reviewing the entire event and planning process with our security team, law enforcement and the city officials who participated in organizing and planning Electric Daisy Carnival." -

Alright I'm going to start blasting away. First off what is wrong with this post? Anyone notice that they don't bother to mention anything about the other 100 and up over dosage on the infamous E pill. The main thing that really pisses me off is that all these are meant for us to have fun and dance to some sick techno, trance, hardstyle music...for me it's about seeing some of the sickest dj's mixing some sick beats and rhythms....a place where I can dance to Above & Beyond a music group that I will have a hard time seeing live due to them being from Europe, but in American soil these events are a hotbed for E dealers to make a nice profit off all these wasted youth of americans. All I see when I attend these raves are the wasted youth of americans consumed by the fucking trend of some stupid ass mainstream fake ass rap music that has raped a genre of pure innocent and converted it into something that is used for profit to rape the brain cells, the bodies and in many occasions the souls from the teens in America.

Many of you can say "oh well chich they knew what they were getting into." in reality fuck you stupid fucks...the ignorance of us looking the other way and not putting a stop to these fucking trends where the dead minded youth of america thinks it's fucking cool to take a fucking pokeball and quad stack that you can think you feel the bass hitting hard, but instead your spazzing out on my fucking dance floor while I'm trying to mix....fuck you son and girl cause that shit I don't want that in my parties, I don't want that shit surrounding me. Now shit hits the fan, techno and trance will get a bad rep and EDC will probably be banned from So Cal and there goes my chance to have a good time while dancing to above and beyond. There are already talks of banning other raves as well. The security issue of breaking into an event is also retarded...fucking bums...couldn't choose between your drugs or the tickets? Alright so this young girl of 15 years old overdose on the event, not from her directly taking E, but she was thirsty so the water she consumed was spiked with E.

I just can't understand what has happened to our youth, has it become where we need to do drugs to be accepted into the norm? Do we have to learn weird ass dances like "shuffling"? the fuck has happened? I am tired of seeing these fucking loser kids...the real shit is that most of these kids will amount to nothing...brain dead from the years of doing E and acid...shit man that's why I rather have me a cig than ever submit to a pill or acid drops. Now the parents are blasting away yelling that Electro and their sub genres are influencing the american youth to give into these drugs...real shit no they're not. The only reason why your little john doe is stacking up them cause MTV says is the shit...cause lil bitch ass Kayne says it's cool....cause shit like that your children are consuming the drugs.

Now it's the history part of electro in America. To start off electro was never a genre in america till about the late 1990's during that time it was refer to as "gay music" The american form of techno also known as dance was very popular in the early 1990's but it was not considered to be techno it was music like Mark Williamson Return of the Mack and Robin S. -Show Me Love. The very first actual nationwide attention to electro was in the movie Blade....from their on Electro place an official flag of dominance in the united states. Although during this time it was still in the under dog status...and it would stay like that till the mid 2000's when some rapper known as Kayne....came out with some techno beats...from there all these lame ass fucking weed heads, became E heads...where in europe E is the drug for trance...not regular dance or techno, but these kids took the misconception and thought that in order to enjoy this music in america, you need to be hopped on E.
It took another genre to bring this genre up to speed..but in reality it brought up this genre in the most fucked up way. The youth of american is slowly decaying in drugs..while the dealers make their money of them with the help from mainstream artists.

As for me, I'll keep fighting the E heads in my life and the E dealers watch your back when your at my parties, cause i'll knock you the fuck out and take your money for my gain. American youth are decaying to shit....and don't even get me started on all these stupid ass girls who get fucking drunk...thats for another post....

This is DJ Fatgrabber....IM OUT......HK LORDS