Monday, July 5, 2010

HK Chich (DJ Fat Grabber) Breaks the silence - the vendetta

On Mon, July 5, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Tyler Soltest wrote:

RE: "HK Chich (DJ Fat Grabber) Breaks the silence" post

Dear Mr. HK Chich I do not considered your post to be of good taste, if anything you are "blasting away" with pure hatred. Your opinions are quite blunt, but if anything you are the person that supports this type of activity to help the consumers of ecstasy feel the effects of it. DJs need to learn that in order to stop this so called trend is to stop feeding the music at the parties. I am sick and tired of having these scene kids hosting parties near my house. I have never witness such an atrocity than in last two years. I have seen cops come in and arrest kids and from their findings are drugs of all sorts, I have seen fights break out while everyone screams and they end up trespassing through our properties. I was almost stabbed by one of them while I tried to kick him out of own my back yard. That is something that you forgot to write about. How about how these hispanic punks distribute the drugs at the parties, how about how these hispanic gangsters come into the parties and try to rape young girls. How about that Mr. HK Chich? No right? That will not be posted by you, because your one of them hispanics who are nothing but dirty mexicans who come into our community and corrupt our youth. You are the disgrace to our children becoming so corrupted, your race and the rest of those african americans with those god damn stupid ridiculous cars and music.

You don't know anything about being an American. Sick bastards, I hope they deport you all for corrupting our innocent children.

Alright let me get started on you mr soltest. First off I am not going to be an asshole and post your real last name or email address, but I am going to start being an asshole as I attack your email. Where should I start?

Okay, first off my post are not fueled by hatred. I am inspire to write about the topics I choose, because I am fueled for a better tomorrow for our society. I am not a person who believes in voting for laws, bills, reps, congressman, or even in presidents to change our society. My views are based on what experience and what I see. The beliefs I have in my character are not build out of others or what people tell me to do or be for that matter, but for what I see and once again, I experience.

I do acknowledge that my post are quite blunt from my opinion, but they are mostly true about certain things. So in order for you to say that I support the consumption of E or Ecstasy/MDMA is quite a harsh thing to say. Just cause I DJ at house parties, I am not the individual that hands out these pills or drugs. I am not the person who consumes drugs, if anything I am guilty of smoking cigarettes and if that makes me a consumer of tobacco and nicotine then I guess I am guilty along with the other of billions who smoke. However for an individual as yourself to come and judge me like if we have met in person...sadly that is quite pathetic on your part.

I am sorry that you've had the bad experience of running into these young adults and teens who host parties in your community. Sadly I find you as a person and human being to be at most a racist prick. I also find it hard to believe that you never drank, or even attended house parties in your days, if you did and now you run your mouth about're a fucking hypocrite and if you didn't then you were probably a big fucking sourpuss. I have very low tolerance for racist pricks as yourself, if your going to come into my domain and start talking shit about Hispanics and African Americas...please don't ever write back to me on an email. If you seen me in person don't ever walk up to me and try to shake my hand. I am only drawing to the conclusion that your probably mad, cause either your son or daughter has fallen to the use of drugs or they had relationships with another ethnic group that was not Caucasian and now you want to come in here and put not only my race on the spotlight, but others as are quite pathetic sir. I hope that some day you will see things in a from a different stand point. As for the whole deportation thing you got going there...if hispanics or illegal immigrants ever leave the country for good, then the American Society will see darker days. Inflation will soar above anyone's expectations and the jobs that are minimum will be those of your so call illegal immigrants do for a living. So in conclusion I am done wasting my time with you, and I just wanted to show the people who read my post what kind of person you are...maybe I should edit this post later and give away all your details. I don't know yet I will have to sleep on it.

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