Friday, June 25, 2010

The Relationship Spectrum

Alright ladies and gents I am doing this cause it just hit me in my pondering. Well I've actually been working at this early in the morning.

Alright then lets do this thing. Alright guys and I was talking to my homie last night about some girl he has been talking to and dating for some time. So the scenario went down that after 3 months of dating my boy busted the question of making it official. So story short he ended up with her telling him that she wanted to stay as friends.

This was my inspiration for this blog post for my dudes and girls out there patrolling in that sea of fishes.

Alright check it. Girls quick question, why do you always got to bust out that "oh we should be friends" or "I don't want to ruin our friendship". I mean isn't your boyfriend suppose to be your best friend? The one that connects to you on alot of different levels? Or is it that girls don't want their knight in shining armor cause they can't pick a challenge with them? Seriously gals whats up with that excuse?

Now dudes who are and have been in relationships. What's up with girls always having that one friend that has a fucked up influence on a couples relationship with all their problems that ends up having their problems affecting your relationship with your girl. Hey serious shit, I for once I am tired of having to deal with the aftermath with some dumb girl who can't get her shit straight. Real shit why does a relationship have to fail over some bullshit that some fucking outside forces can fuck up something so beautiful. Hey real shit ladies, if you got a man who treats you right, pays for your shit, can handle himself and yourself. Then why the fuck are you listening to your girlfriends. If they can't get a man it's cause they don't know how to function and the most infamous gender known for stabbing backs are even though they are your girlfriends and shit they can still be jealous and shit. Stop telling your friends about the shit that goes on with you guys, cause the real shit is a relationship is only between people.

Another thing girls seriously, stop comparing dudes to every other guy out there, not all of my brothers out there are just interested in a nice night in the sheets. Some of these guys are actually wanting more than that and it's always the guys I see getting shot down. I mean if you have had a bad experience with dudes in the past maybe your type is the fucked up type....but then again most girls are looking for the pitbull, drake, and other faggot ass foos. That's how women get the cheating foos, the women beating foos, the womanizers. Which in result end up becoming the short-term man instead of that Long-term man.

Hey hey don't start calling me a sexist and shit cause I'm not. I am just pointed out somethings that I need some clarification on.

(Begins putting on the bullet proof vest)

Peace yo!!!!


  1. its not an excuse its actually a valid reason. i do agree that your significant other should be your best friend. but have you ever thought about what happens if things go wrong? take me for example i was in a relationship for almost four years. he was my best friend and even though i told him we should just be friends because i didnt want to ruin anything we gave it a shot. and look at us now i lost my best friend the only person that i could actually be myself with, even though we agreed to stay friends, we are bound to date other people and it just ruins things. About the friend thing, same goes for you guys why do you talk about your girl with your homies, what about your "girl" friends they as well tend to get jealous and can get in between a relationship. it doesnt only apply for us girls. you point out valid arguments but it applies for both sexes. For your last question. we dont compare at least i dont. i dont think a persons appereance has anything to do with how they are. look at who i dated and look at what happened lol. i just think most girls are scared to get played so they tend to compare everyone. but i agree with you not all guys are a holes.

  2. Mrs.Emmett I like your statement, but if you don't mind I would like to know how you gained access to my blog?

    And yes I do agree with you on the point of this can apply to both sexes. Just to clarify, the only reason that sometimes men go out and talk to their girlfriends about things, is because and it's obvious sometimes girls are hard to understand. We guys...well most of the guys I know have the best intentions with their girls... but sometimes we need guidance when on things that we want to do for our that can also be applied to women as well, they hit up their boys if they got questions about dudes and shit....but like on real personal things between the two people in a relationship...that should be kept where it belongs, between the two of you.
