Monday, September 6, 2010


I am Chich.....

*I am a revolutionary at heart...

*I despise every salvadorian in the world....

*I am a bastard, because my father disconnected himself from my life before I was even born....

*I am the product of heavy beatings, american society, and the racist crimes against every illegal hardworking mexican immigrant.....

*I am connected to a dark heart within myself....a dark mind...and a dark body that holds secrets of experiencing things you can never imagine.....

*I feel no emotions for those who I block out from my life...

*I shed no tears for they have been dried up from years of living the aftermath of a mother who feels lost after having a child from failed relationship...

*My body is the only shield left before being exposed completely for the world to brutally ravaged......

*I am the outcast of my own immediate family...their love only exist when themselves, between my mom, stepdad, and little brother....I received the leftovers from that love from my own mother....

*I am trying to be more open in life, but the everyday experiences are not helping me at all....

*I am disgusted by society and sooner or later I am determined to bring it all down....

*If you keep taken me lightly or as a joke I am assuring you as of now, you will end up in the obituaries or permanently disappear of the face of the earth.....

*I am tired of seeing the same shit everyday in the world...

*I have come to comprehend that my step-dad is more important that her own 1st born son...and for that I resent her....deeply...

*I am in the hopes of finding a better tomorrow, but I just dont see it.....

*I am not that important to many people that are important to me....for that I question my existance in their lives...and if solitude is more fitted for an individual as me...

*I have to come to also acknowledge that I am nothing but of pure interest to my mother....she only seems to worry about my father's child support debt...and hoping that one day he can pay.....

*I am also seeking to make my peace with my I have sent him a request letter for a personal meeting face to face....but I am sure that this will never happen....

I AM CHICH....and I will see a better tomorrow..........someday.....

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